Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Favorite Books This Year

This year I've kind of gotten reacquainted with my old hobby - reading! I used to read a ton in the summers and stuff, and it was only after all the craziness of planning a wedding and honeymoon calmed down last December that I figured I needed something fun to fill my time! It had been so long since I had to work hard to fill my hours - what a fun surprise.

So, I have been reading a ton lately and wanted to share my favorites of the year. I have figured out I do not really enjoy chick lit (this means YOU Emily Giffin) even though I can't put it down. I think I enjoy challenging my brain and my favorites always end up being those deeper books.

The Best of 2007 ( far!)

1. The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger - This book is amazing, and though I finished it in March, I still think about it all of the time because it was so well written. You know a book is good when you reminisce about the days when you were reading it... It's a very weird premise - the main character travels through time and space, but grounded in very realistic characters. It's one of the best love stories I've ever read or seen. You guys know me - I'm not one for science fiction, so it's nothing "The Hobbit" esq. It knocked my socks off. It's going to be a movie soon - Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana!!!

2. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides - I just finished this one a few days ago and was blown away. It was told by Cal, a hermaphrodite who has lived his grown up life as a man, but was raised as a girl until puberty. It was unreal - the writing was amazing and to try to grasp what he went through was pretty enlightening. It kind of goes back up the family tree too and (gasp) there are lots of family secrets. I can't say I would have ever been interested in this book but it came highly recommended and I was curious to see what all the fuss was about...

3. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen - I almost don't want to write what this is about because it might discourage you from reading it... I had my doubts too. It is about a young man whose world is turned upside down when his parents die and he is one semester away from graduating (to become a veterinarian.) He runs away and jumps a random train... which turns out to be a circus train. He just goes along w/ it and ends up helping with the animals in the circus. Drama ensues. The characters are really realistic and something about this book, even though it's about carnies, makes it impossible to put down. And the ending is stellar too.

4. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris - If you don't laugh out loud at this book you must not have a sense of humor! This is a collection of stories from his childhood but reads like a novel... and it's utterly hilarious. He's from NC and grew up in Raleigh, so there's some local relevance for us... I could read it over and over again. And I probably will!

5. The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory - About Anne and Mary Boleyn, and both of their relationships w/ Henry the Eighth. Yes, they're sisters. Yes, that's nasty, but it's like a drama filled incestuous love story that you can't get enough of. (And there are 5 books in this "series" so you're in luck.) Even though we all know how it's going to end, it's really interesting to see how it all went down. They're making it into a movie too... so Ashley and I are all up on that come Feb 2008. Weird, Eric Bana must have my fave book reading list bc he's in this one too...

6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling - I don't care if Dumbledore is supposedly gay or whatever - that means nothing to me other than JK loves media attention and doesn't know what to do w/ herself now that it's all done w/. This book was amazing, and so sad (if only for the fact that there will be no more, ever.) I was so happy with the ending I cried. I think Scott saw it, but I just said I had allergies or something. It was the perfect culmination of all the books, and Mrs. Weasley says "Bitch" and Ron says "effing" so you can tell they're growing up!

Ok, off to hand out candy to kids in costumes and read the book I'm sure will not make the top list for the year. (A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. I do not recommend it based on what I've read so far...)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Creamy Tomato Basil Pasta

Okay, for the first recipe! This one is super tasty, makes good leftovers and gets props for creative use of the blender. I originally found it on, but it called for red peppers and they've been looking a little nasty at the grocery store lately, so I took the liberty to go w/ tomatoes. If I may say so (and Scott will back me up on this!) that was quite a good call.

Creamy Tomato Basil Pasta
2 cups whole wheat penne pasta, uncooked
4 oz low fat cream cheese, softened
1/4 c fat free milk
2 tomatoes, cut into small chunks
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp dried basil
2 tbsp grated Parm cheese
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite sized pieces

Cook pasta according to package.
Place cream cheese, milk, tomatoes, garlic, Parm and basil in blender. Puree until smooth and set aside.
Spray large skillet w/ cooking spray. Add chicken pieces and cook until med high until it's cooked through. Stir in sauce, reduce heat and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Drain pasta and mix with sauce. Serve & ENJOY!

Makes 4 servings

Monday, October 29, 2007

With a Name like Dweebert, It Has to be Good

...Is this thing on??

So, I've started a blog! Woohoo! I guess this will help everyone stay on top of all of the crazy changes in our life... Oh wait. Yeah, that's right. We're not moving. I'm not knocked up. So this will help keep everyone in tune with the everyday excitement of our normal and changeless life.

And because everyone in the world has a blog, I went w/ Dweebert for the name. You like it? Takes you back... I think I got that name at a swim meet! EAC - go Gators!!

So, you're probably asking yourself what it is that I think I can provide for you that some other anonymous blogger out there can't. Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's a preview of "Coming Attractions":

1. There will be recipes, and I fancy myself an up and coming cook. Possibly pictures, but let's not get carried away.

2. I will reflect on books. I read all the time, and recommending books makes me feel smart, even if I'm just recommending them to the vast vacuum of the Internets.

3. Funny cat stories. Smarty's too cute not to share!

4. Pictures of things Scott and I do. Like parties and social outings. Don't expect a ton of that - he's busy and we're both kind of homebodies lately!! :)

5. Updates when stuff happens. (I.E. My impending ::cross your fingers:: acceptance to grad school.)