Sunday, November 23, 2008
Bear with me!
So, we're headed up to PA for Thanksgiving next weekend (and we get to meet our niece! Finally!)
I'm hoping to do fun things with my time off... and surely I'll blog about it! :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Record: Most pictures taken in a day...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Halfing Fun
Some more pics...
Jockey's Ridge - not that these pictures do it justice :) It was way cool.
And a "love" At least we have each other...
Here's the Pasta Dinner - it was so delicious! A bunch of the girls got a BIIIG house and then they made us a BIIIIG dinner, so pretty much an awesome set up! :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Off to the OBX!
I should add that I am MOST excited for the pasta dinner tomorrow night with my running buddies and the massages Nik and I are getting Monday morning. All around, a pretty exciting weekend!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A letter to my president
Dear President Obama,
I’m writing to thank you today. To thank you for the tremendous campaign you ran which reached out to new voters, disenfranchised voters – anyone who would listen and open their minds to a new idea of what government should be. McCain’s campaign was as divisive as any campaign I’ve witnessed, and the brainpower Palin brought to the table seriously made me doubt whether I could handle living in America if it went the other way. Seriously.
But, I digress… it didn’t go their way. Praise the Lord – we won. Mr. President, thank you for running as the candidate for change, hope and embodying all that is good and pure in America and Americans. You brought out what is GOOD in us, instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator and playing to our fears and politics of division. I want you to know, I believe in you. I know you can do what you say you can do. And if the campaign is any indication of what you can pull off, we're in for a great four years.
Here’s what I’m excited about: Having a smart president. You obviously are a bright guy, and you are even keeled and good natured. I attended three of your rallies in Raleigh and that much about your personality was obvious. I know this is going to rock! I’m proud to say I voted for you, and proud to say I shook your hand a year ago.
Good luck!
- - -Have you guys watched the Will.I.Am video again since he won? If not, grab a tissue or two and watch this... it's amazing. Oh, and NC is blue - the cookies worked! Yay!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Blue North Carolina?
Electoral: Obama 351 (including a Blue NC... a girl can dream!, PA, OH, Montana! and a Red Florida. I just think the senior citizens will go for a peer.)
Popular Vote: Obama 55%, McNasty 41%
Electoral: Obama 329 McCain 209 (I think he copied my map and just changed one so the teacher wouldn't notice.)
Popular Vote: 51% Obama, 48% McCain
If any readers want to make predictions - please comment! Here's the site where we found the interactive maps!