I know I've said it already, but swimming rocks. It's definitely the right exercise at the right time. I'm trying to go twice a week now, and have for the past 2 weeks, to keep my cardio workouts up to snuff. It's quite honestly, more fun than the Arc Trainer and *shudder* the treadmill. And the freaking heat/humidity/misery of NC August makes running outside a thing of the past for the most part. I'm not keen on waking up super early or going right before bed (plus it storms like daily these days). Meh, it seems to be naturally happening, that swimming is replacing running as my primary cardio activity. I'm cool with that. I do need a new bathing suit though.
So here are the two workouts I did this week. If it's not very obvious, I'm aiming to swim 2000 yards in each workout, which takes about 50-60 minutes depending on how much rest I take/need in between sets. I am having more fun than I thought I would thinking up exciting workouts... it's funny how some of the types of sets that annoyed the crap out of me in HS and college are now creeping their way back into my mind and my workouts. I like to keep it interesting and I think having sets helps to break it all up and keep it interesting. I think I'd rather sit on the couch than just go and swim for 50 minutes. Bo-ring. The counting and the changing of strokes helps pass the time. It's just enough to think about - I am focused on the activity at hand but able to let my mind wander to other more pressing things in my life.
Swimming workout 22000 Yards
200 warm up
8x125 (broken as follows: first 75 alternating between back or breaststroke, last 50 recovery freestyle. Rest 10 seconds in between the 75 and 50, 20 seconds between 125's)
8x75 free (Fast 50 into a recovery 25)
200 warm down
Swimming Workout 32000 Yards
*this is my "boring" workout. :)
200 Warm Up
10x150 - straight free
300 Warm Down
Edited 9/8(I'm just going to keep adding on to this post, bc I know swimming workouts aren't all that interesting, but I need them all in one place:) )
Workout 4: *involves little thinking.
200 w/u
500 swim (alternate 100 free, 100 back to help keep count, for all of the '00 sets below)
50 easy
400 swim
50 easy
300 swim
50 easy
200 swim
50 easy
100 warm down
Workout 5: 200 warm up
1x400 (alt free and back each 100)
4x200 ( 125 swim, rest 10 sec, 25 butterfly kick, 50 recovery)
4x100 IM (I one-armed the butterfly)
200 Warm down
-Edit 9/22
Workout 6:Total: 1950
200 Warm Up
Main set: 250 free
200 back
150 - 50 swim, 50 butterfly kick, 50 swim
100 free
50 recovery
Repeat, knocking off the largest leg each time (#2 is minus the 250, #3 minus the 200)
200 Warm Down
-- 10/28 edit
Workout 7: (stolen from Masters swim team practice board) :)
300 swim/300 kick
200 pull
100 kick hard
Main set:
100 hard
100 easy
100 hard
2x50 pull
(all that x2)
200 warm down
250 warm up
Ideas on breaking up the 500's:
25/50/75/100/100/75/50/25 (rest 10-15 sec in btwn)
Drill (combo of pull & kick w/ pull buoy and kick board)