Ok, so let me start off by doing some PR for the book, since it seems that is its biggest problem. If you judge books by their covers (who doesn't?), you might never read this one. In my opinion, the title is lame... and while it does play into the book, it misrepresents the nature of the book and probably turns a lot of people off of it who might really enjoy it! After reading the summary, my first thought was, oh, it's like Ya-Ya Sisterhood. It's so not the same... and I'm gonna go w/ it's better than that! Oh, and all the quotes on my book from magazines and other authors made it sound like chick lit. I'm not sure the official definition of chick lit, but I personally wouldn't consider this it. It had a dynamic plot, character development, big words.... it's just *about* women.
It's about a group of 5 women who live on the same street and start up a book club. It kind of chronicles all of the stuff they go through in raising their kids, life with their husbands and various other issues... it's a huge book. I read it super quickly because the writing was awesome, and the characters were great. I really wished they were real, and I'm sad to be done with the book! I think I'll read it again someday... there are a lot of sections that might read really differently after you've had and raised kids. So, note to self: In 30 years, read this book.
I highly recommend this book - it's a quick and engaging read and well worth it.
See ya stinky!
9 years ago
I agree with everything you said. Not chick lit at all.
The Lit-Wits would agree with you! This was our book club's very first read!
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