Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Babies in Hats

My niece Sophie in the earflappy hat! She looks so cute in it!

My friend Heather's son Luke modeling the blue newsboy :)
I love how it makes him look like a little boy... so adorable!

This one might be for keeps... it's a newsboy + BIG flower.
I am starting to like big flowers on hats.


Sophie Monster said...

LOVE the newsboys!!

And your niece is super cute :)

MrsBlueberry said...

Thanks again for the hat! Luke is so excited he made your blog.

kiss1080 said...

OMGosh...soooo cute! Believe it or not I have no patience for this type of crafting ;) Maybe we can make a trade sometime!


Callie said...

You might want to work on knitting a hat for an older boy... say, a 16-month old. You need to make sure that you are able to make cute hats for toddlers as well as infants.

Suz said...

your hats are awesome! you are so crafty!! you should sell them on etsy!