Monday, September 8, 2008

Babies and Showers - weekend in PA

We had a great trip back home to PA over Labor Day weekend! I got to go out for a two hour breakfast with my girls, visit with Susanna, see my grandparents' new house and help them set up their new computer, and spend lots of quality time with Scott's family! And SURPRISE! Kelly's shower was Sunday! Sadly I don't have pictures of all the fun stuff I did, but here's a smattering. Yes, I said smattering.

If you give a baby a cellphone...she will never give it back to you. And you'll need to grab it when it's time to go and run away from the sobbing. She does love cell phones - it's funny!

Action shot - mid sneeze! LOL!

Erica plays "baby" with Susanna. Still has my cellphone...

Shower stuff! First off - my big project (and let's be honest, a big portion of my gift budget! diapers ain't cheap, folks!) was a diaper cake! It was so fun and pretty easy to make... and a really cool centerpiece for the refreshments table. And Kelly and John will be able to use the diapers too!

Next project, a watermelon baby carriage...kinda like a jack o lantern but with a watermelon and making it into a get the picture. It was hard work, but I got to stab a watermelon and people seemed to be a little scared of me that day... not sure why.

The refreshment table!

Kelly and Carol

All of the guests wrote Johnny & Kelly a message for when they're changing Sophie in the middle of the night... Tammy and Adrienne had good ones... so true, really.


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