Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Maine Event

...well, we're off tomorrow morning at 6am. Yes, take off. Ugh, why do I book these flights to dang early? Oh yeah, bc they're the only cheap ones.

We're super excited - we're flying into Portland and renting a car to drive up the coast to Bar Harbor for some Lobstah. Then on Friday we're trekking over to Sugarloaf for the Desrochers wedding and fun w/ Susquehanna friends! On Sunday we're spending a few hours in Portland before our flight takes off in the evening. I.can't.wait.


Suz said...

enjoy your trip! sounds like ya'll sound have a wonderful time :)

Alethea said...

Super early flights rock 'cause not only are they cheap, but they allow you more time at your destination. :-)

Can't wait to hear all about Maine!