Here's a story about how one Democrat and one Republican pulled together to help Jamie meet the former President...

First up - Casey the Dem! Woot woot! I'm volunteering at a fundraiser pre-speech and I have the very exciting job of manning the Photo Room. He was sweet enough to say I'm "helping him out," which is pretty funny bc this "favor" pretty much makes my year. I'm hoping there's time for a Jamie & Bill photo in there. I'm going to try to play it cool. You know. And not tip my hand that I never really was all that into a Hillary Clinton presidency and that I was in 5th grade when he got inaugurated. I will not say any of those things. Probably not.
Then, thanks to my awesome Republican dad I have 2 VIP tickets to the speech (did you ever think I'd put awesome and republican beside each other, without not preceeding awesome??? hahahahah, me neither...) My friend Kathleen was a doll and picked them up today and we're gonna be hooked up on Monday! And she's pregnant so $20 we get to go to the front of the VIP line. (haha, except maybe really!)
I am so psyched, I have the best guys looking out for me! I get to meet Bill Clinton on Monday!! Picture coming soon...
OH - and I have a student General Admission ticket printed. I'm willing to donate it to anyone who wants it, along with the borrowing of my student ID so you can pass as Jamie... Just email me.
OMG, you and Kathleen suck. In the awesome, I'm super jealz kind of way, of course. Have a blast, tell Billy I said hi!
Sorry my belly couldn't do more to get us to the VIP front row! It was a great talk. Many thanks to your awesome Republican Dad for the tickets!
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