So, I got a job. This is a weird and random way to update, I know, but it all happened really quickly and I've been busy ever since, so this is what you get :). It's an internship with a strategic consulting firm that does a lot of stuff with the EPA. I'm pretty excited about the people I'll be working with, and the work seems interesting. They pay me, so I'll shut up about it if not. Note to employers: I can be bought. They hired me Monday and I started yesterday... see, quick? I like to withhold information, it makes me feel powerful.
Things definitely feel back at a frantic pace, but it was what I kept complaining about before where I didn't have enough to do. It should be good experience, and you never know who'll hire me when I have my MS!!!
But, oh blog, I will not neglect thee. Really, this time I mean it.
See ya stinky!
9 years ago
yay! congrats on the new job! that's so exciting!
How exciting! Congrats, I can't wait to hear all about it!
Congrats! Sounds exciting!
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