Monday, June 16, 2008

Good Luck Scott!

Today, friends, Scott joins the ranks of working adults. Gainful employment! Should be fun!!

We returned yesterday from a fantastic and short trip to Shelby for the engagement party and after party for our good friends Casey & Amy. I have pics, though I can't vouch how good they are... (there was a lot of Red Oak involved in the after party). I have to get them on the computer tonight, stay tuned. The traveling and lack of good night's sleep on Friday night (bc of airline delays for Scott and the 5k being ridiculously early for me...) we managed to sleep for 10 hours last night. If you're interested, yes, the sun happened to be up when we fell asleep AND when we woke up. Wow...sometimes you just need the sleep I guess!

Off to start another week! I'm so excited for the day to be over to go home and catch up on stuff! What a fabulous and tiring weekend.

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